I’m Up Really Early Again Today…

No idea why.  I wish we could stop treating the symptoms and start figuring out what the hell is going on.  I will be bringing that up with my doc when next I see her.

My shoulder is much better, if itchy.  I called the doc’s office yesterday to see if the results were in from the Friday swab.  They weren’t in, but there was a note in my file that there was a ‘script for me to pick up.  So treatment room switched me to the front desk so I could see if it was actually physically there.  Who could not actually find said ‘script.  Doc wasn’t actually in the office yesterday (so how did she put in that I needed a new ‘script?!?!  That message wasn’t there when I rang on Tuesday!), so I have to ring back today and see if I can get this figured out.  Wow, there were a lot of ‘actuallys’ in that paragraph…

In other news, Account Manager was back in the office yesterday.  She can work 10 days without losing her Maternity Benefits, so she is coming in to help with the yearly Audit.  It was good to have her around.  The girls went and had a long leisurely lunch and a good catch up gabfest.

And that’s all the news that fits on this *lovely* day in Northern Ireland.  That was sarcasm.  If anyone sees the sun today, can they send it this way?  We seem to have misplaced it!

Posted in Belfast, daily, me, Work.

One Comment

  1. We haven’t had sun in so long, I’ve almost forgotten what it’s like. Or I would if my darlingest friends didn’t insist on sending me pics of their days at the beach. Sometimes I had the advances in mobile technology, I tell you.

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